Stop and Smell the Flowers at Otra Ola
No one can deny the fact that life these days is hectic. We are living in age where every second matters; you have to be one step ahead...
Learning Spanish at Otra Ola will help you stay young.
Learning a second #language can slow the aging of your brain. Crazy I know. There was a #study done at the University of Edinburgh on...
Kombucha in Ecuador
There is nothing more refreshing than a ice cold #Kombucha after a hard workout, that is why we have started to make it right here at...
The best organic coffee in Ecuador
Its still baffles me even after 8 years of living in #Ecuador. Why is instant #coffee served everywhere; when Ecuador produces some of...
Yoga Studio in Ecuador
#Yogaclasses in Ecuador. The #beautiful thing about #yoga is no matter what your age, gender or race is we can all come together to...
Awesome Surf Classes in Ecuador
#OtraOla #SurfSchool is a great destination for everyone. Whether you are a beginner or an seasoned expert in the ocean, our #surf...
The best Spanish School in Ecuador
Why should you take Spanish Classes at Otra Ola? #OtraOla is arguable the best place to #study #spanish in Ecuador. We have qualified...